#because i love nothing more than dramatique flair
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abimee · 6 years ago
I remember you said you feel uncomfortable with under/swap , but why I totally agreed with the fact under/fell it's problematic , but how problematic under/swap I just interested (also what do you think about the concepts of swap aus)?
I dont think i ever said i was uncomfortable with undersw*ap, i did say however i didnt like underf*ll cause its a shitass handling of the Morality Thing along with designs fresh in racist undertones ( probably not intentionally but it’s been said for years how obvious “ black = evil/bad and white = pure/good “ was definitely born of some Obvious Prejudice Shit and maybe shouldn’t be the defining factor of your ‘’evil character designs” )
Like we gotta understand I can just hate something cause i consider it Not Good. It doesn’t have to be problematic for me to say ‘’hey this shit sucks’’, and unders*ap kinda falls under that category of “it’s not problematic i just think it sucks”. Mainly cause it feels very one-dimensional character wise and like everything is very shallow and not used to it’s full potential of character study, and the whole appeal of ‘’what if’’ aus is that study of character in alternative situations.
The idea? Good! The way i’ve seen the fanbase handle it? Shallow and one-dimensional with it’s main use being for like..... shipping? Like OK. My one real nitpick with it is MTT being a ghost, but that’s purely on the basis that that shit is HIDDEN from the player unless you know what to look for you and seek out that information already sort of Knowing what you’ll find ( or you connect two and two and somehow grind 600g for a key on a hunch, what the fuck), and I feel like that has a purpose in being Hidden so i’m personally not comfortable just putting ghost mettaton on blast like that. It’s never boded lightly nicely in my loins but like, again, something doesn’t have to be problematique for me to just Not Like It. I’m sure people got all sorts of bugs in their ass about my chara in deltarune au and that’s on them, like this is on me.
I’m not against swap aus though! I’m a big fucking sucker for aus and used to be heavily about them, but I tend to stay away from the more popular ones because I like to take everything by a chokehold and ruin it for everybody else with my Need To Overthink and Overdevelop.
However on that note I did alter my own version of the sw*p au for my own enjoyment and it’s basically just about undyne with heavy influence from la belle et la bete lmao
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writteninsunshine · 4 years ago
Dramatique - Sephiroth/Genesis Rhapsodos - SFW
Title: Dramatique
Author: Reno
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Setting: Sephiroth’s Apartment
Pairing: Sephiroth/Genesis Rhapsodos
Characters: Sephiroth, Genesis Rhapsodos, Angeal Hewley, OC: Kimmy, OC: Harrison
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: K
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 1054
Type Of Work: One-Shot, Day Two of the Shinra Holiday 2020 Prompts
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Fluff, Romance, Silliness, Genesis watches soap operas, Kimmy and Harrison are characters in said Soap Opera
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except Kimmy and Harrison.
Summary: It’s too cold for anything less than a sweater, but Sephiroth chose to try anyway.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have Twitter and Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunnywritings, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD I can PM it to people who want it on FFN, for everyone else, it’s here: https://discord.gg/FyaWw25
So, these prompts are really fun? Apparently, I’m just using a lot of inside jokes from rps with my husband for these, too. Kimmy is “that bitch” in the Soap Opera Genesis watches that is always doing something. Harrison is the male equivalent, now, more or less. At any rate, I hope you guys like this! Here we go!
Shinra Holiday Week 2020 Fic Masterlist
Final Fantasy VII Fic Masterlist
“Honestly, it’s far too cold out there!” Genesis griped, letting his head fall back with a dramatic whine. His hands, covered by the sleeves of the sweater he’d burgled from Sephiroth’s closet, flopped onto his face and he drug them down, and all Sephiroth could do was snicker behind his mug of hot chocolate.
“Genesis, I always thought you were too hot to be so cold in the winter.” The look he received, a strange mixture of concession and indignation, made him snort and look away. He was about to spew hot chocolate through his nose if he wasn’t careful. Genesis was the greatest with his overdramatic nature and his adoration of the arts. Sephiroth couldn’t see another man pulling the same stunts in front of him and making him half as happy as Genesis always did.
“I am hot! I’m just-- So, so cold in the winter. It’s like the entire world is out to snuff out my fire.” This time, a dramatic toss of one arm sent his face into the crook of his elbow, and the other arm simply flopped to the bed to hold him up. If he wasn’t careful, he would throw himself to the floor on accident and spend the rest of the night grousing about how everything hurt. Sephiroth was fully aware that his SOLDIER status meant that all of these tiny bumps and bruises didn’t truly bother him, but it was still amusing to watch Genesis make his own problems just to complain about them.
It was something of a favorite past-time of his, watching Genesis overreact to things for his benefit. While it went unspoken between them, Sephiroth knew that this was so much more than he ever did in public, or even with Angeal. This, in all of its melodramatic, soap-drama-esque glory, was just for him.
That, and Genesis parading around in nothing but Sephiroth’s simple black turtleneck and a pair of bright red boxer briefs and nothing else? That was probably just for him, too. Granted, if Genesis was going to bemoan his loss of heat this loudly for much longer, Sephiroth might just have to wrestle him into a pair of warm socks, at least. Maybe those warm, red flannel sleep pants if push came to shove, too.
“Are you going to go on like this all day, love?” Sephiroth asked, finally setting his hot cocoa down on the bedside table. “If you could go five seconds without pretending to be Kimmy, you might notice your cinnamon hot chocolate. If it can’t warm you up, I know I can give it a valiant effort.”
“Kimmy?!” Genesis pouted, shaking his head and rolling his eyes with an indignant huff. “If anything, I’d say I’m more of a Harrison. Just as big of a dramatic flair and only half of the blatant two-faced bitch attitude.”
“You’re right.” Sephiroth nodded, “Harrison is more of a one-faced bitch, isn’t he?”
“Hey!” Reaching over, Genesis smacked the other’s arm before finally taking his drink in both hands and sitting up straight, one knee bent on the bed and the other hanging over the side. “That’s just plain rude.” 
“You’re very authentic, Genesis, just like Harrison.” Sephiroth tried with a small smile, sitting beside him and reaching out to gently wrap his hands around the other’s. Genesis rose a brow, giving the other a quick once-over before finally sighing and offering him a pleased smile. 
“Authentic, yes. Just like Harrison? Hardly. I would never jeopardize the lives of my loved ones because I was on a bender and didn’t tell them before driving from one end of the continent to the other.” He pointed out, breaking his hands free of Sephiroth’s to take a sip of his drink. Hissing after he swallowed, he gulped again and shook his head. “How in the world did you get it to be hot enough to burn me?” 
“I watched you make it so that I could see how to make it how you like it.” 
“...Clever. How did you know I enjoy burning my mouth?” The sardonic tone of Genesis’ voice wasn’t lost on Sephiroth for a second.
“Because you never wait long enough for anything to cool. The second you have your food or the drink you made or ordered, it’s going in your mouth, even if you hiss and whine and make a big deal out of it. It’s just how you operate.” Sephiroth said all of this with a gentle, enamored smile on his lips, and Genesis couldn’t help but blush as he tipped the mug back against his lips. Whining softly as he took a long pull from it, he set the mug down on the bedside table and pouted.
“That doesn’t necessarily mean I actually like it when I burn myself.” He pointed out, and Sephiroth was quick to crawl forward and kiss him softly on his lips, pulling Genesis to lay in bed with him. It took a couple of seconds to pull the thick, Chocobo down comforter out from beneath them, but he was happy to wrap Genesis in it and then into his embrace when the struggle was over. Genesis sighed a little, content to be in the other’s arms when it finally struck him that something was off.
” He asked slowly, turning to look at the other over his shoulder while his hand traveled over his lover’s bare abdomen, “Are you wearing my sweater?”
“What, is it that noticeable?” Sephiroth purred, leaning in to kiss at Genesis’ cheek and earlobe. The redhead pouted, leaning into the affection despite himself as he crossed his arms and leaned his back more against Sephiroth’s chest.
“You’re wearing the crop top one, that can’t be warm.”
“You weren’t wearing it.” Sephiroth chuckled, nuzzling his hairline, “I thought you might get some amusement out of it.”
“You’d better not stretch it out.” That was all Genesis said as he turned around in the other’s arms, kissing him softly, holding him close by the front of his own sweater. “It does look good on you, though.” He finally admitted, taking a moment to appreciate just how short it was on the other man’s chest. The thought to add ‘crop top sweaters’ to his gift idea list for Sephiroth bubbled up from the deepest part of Genesis’ brain. He decided he should start shopping around online that night when he got the chance.
“Thank you,” Sephiroth replied against the other’s lips, barely able to say much more through the barrage of kisses he received. There was absolutely no time left for Genesis to start his Christmas shopping that night, but it wasn’t like he was complaining.
AN: Welp, it took me longer to finish this than I would have liked but I hope that it’s good, guys! I really love how it came out, even if it might seem a little rambly. I hope you guys enjoyed it! I know I had a blast writing it.
Prompt: Shinra Holiday 2020 Day Two - Sweater Weather
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